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Novels. Choose your story: choice & decisions game 2.44
Ayist Games
Novels is a unique representative amongst interactive story games.It’s a free-to-play romance game where you will immerse yourselfinto the world of fascinating adult fantasy adventures and become ahero of your dreams! In this graphic novels game your decisions canradically change the course of the plot and the fate of yourcharacters depends on your choices. With Novels you will write yourown role playing interactive story, and it's up to you to decidehow the story ends! Are you looking for a romantic adventure? Weoffer you a whole range of genres with which any of your fantasieswill come true! Would you dive into the bustling streets of ametropolis to meet your true love or visit a mysterious hauntedmansion looking for an adventure? Your character can get married toa billionaire and become pregnant with a beautiful baby or meet ahandsome Hollywood actor and become their partner - and it’s up toyou to decide what happens next! While playing Novels you can: -Create your own character and choose outfits and clothes for themin a varied character creator - Choose from a wide range of shortstories including taboo and +18 stories - Develop romanticrelationships with your characters - Influence the course of eventswith your choices and decisions Regular updates, dramatic and happystories about love and sex, gay and lesbian, role-playing anderotic games - all this you can find in Novels. We are constantlyadding new and updating ongoing episodes: DRAGON IN MY BED She isan ambitious screenwriter who has the world by the tail: her scriptis about to become a Hollywood blockbuster. However, she has noidea how her fate will intertwine with this movie... and itsleading star. DO NOT DISTURB Richard Hudson owns a huge corporationand a multi-million dollar fortune, but lacks a good assistant.When a worthy candidate appears on his doorstep, Mr. Hudson doesn'teven know how close their cooperation will become. DARK TEMPTATION2 The long awaited sequel to "Dark Temptation"! Fairy life is notthat easy. People are afraid of them, and the Dark Ones despisethem. And when the mysterious fairy killer appears on the streets,you, a talented student of the ballet school, are destined to stophim. BLOOD IN THE SPOTLIGHT An old dream comes true, and you areinvited to star in a film. But this is a horror movie, and theshooting takes place in an abandoned mansion with a dark past. Whatcould go wrong? SHORES OF FATE She is an accomplished historian andher dream is to finish her life's work, a book about a formidablepirate. As luck would have it, she comes to the Dominican Republic,where not only will she find her true self but also forge her fate.NEIGHBORHOOD WITCH What can a law-abiding witch do if an inquisitorhas settled nearby? Do everything in her power to make thatindividual move out before he might interrupt some importantbusiness. To this end, her ingenuity, magic and a hellish cat canprove quite useful! SCHOOL SECRETS She is a high school student ingood standing. But everything changes in one evening, when shebecomes an accidental witness to one conversation. Create yourcharacter and follow them into the unknown world of loveadventures! Choose a story to your liking and become whoever youwant. Choose, create and fall in love with Novels!